
Below a simple python example can be found. It demonstrates error handling, usage of tof.Data as a NumPy array and manual deletion of the frame data object.

import chronoptics.tof as tof
import numpy as np

# Errors are communicated through exceptions
    cam = tof.KeaCamera(serial="2020004")
    tof.selectStreams(cam, [tof.FrameType.Z])

    for _ in range(100):
        frames = cam.getFrames()

        # The tof.Data structure can be interpreted by numpy as a numpy array
        z = np.asarray(frames[0])

        # Manually delete frames. The garbage collector might take a long
        # time cleaning these frames up, which can be a serious memory hog
        del frames

except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")